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To: Enfield Council

Safe school crossing for our children

Provide pedestrian lights at the junction of Baker Street and Parsonage Lane, to enable children from local schools to cross this busy four-way junction in safety.

Why is this important?

There are currently no pedestrian signals to show when it is safe to cross the road, or how long people have to get across safely. The existing traffic lights only allow an inadequate 5 second window, and the central reservation is too small for the numbers using it, making the junction an extremely dangerous place to cross. The crossing is used by large numbers of children from St Andrew's Primary school, Enfield Grammar School and Chase Community School, as well as children from St George's primary school and other local schools, and many members of the public. We believe the safety of our children should be a priority.

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2016-04-14 21:21:36 +0100

Success! We are delighted to tell you that the council has now committed to installing new traffic lights at the junction which will have an all red-phase for traffic, and a ‘green man’ to let pedestrians know when it is safe to cross.
Funding has been approved and the business case will now be submitted for the approval of TFL. The council are optimistic that this will be authorised. This stage can take up to 12 months. In the meantime, the council will introduce interim safety measures - a light- coloured, high friction surfacing at the junction approaches, and additional warning signs, to reinforce to drivers the need to take additional care at the junction. We do not have a precise timescale yet but we will be kept informed of progress.
This is fantastic news and we would like to thank everyone who signed the petition and attended the public meeting. The huge public support has undoubtedly been a major factor in achieving this great result. Thank you!

2016-01-17 11:24:09 +0000

Thank you to everyone who has supported our campaign, and especially to those who managed to make it along to our public meeting last week – we had a wonderful turnout with more than 80 people attending. We presented our petition to Cllr Daniel Anderson (councillor for the Environment) with 600 signatures. We have told him that we will continue to collect signatures, so please do keep sharing.
The council have made a number of positive commitments to
• Provide finance for whatever is necessary to make the junction safe subject to the outcome of the feasibility study.
• Carry out a full feasibility study to be completed by end Feb.
• Cllr Anderson will make a decision by end March
These commitments are a really positive step forward for the campaign.
If go-ahead is given TFL would arrange for the installation of new lights, which will take 9 – 12 months. The council will also look interim measures.

2016-01-13 17:01:11 +0000

Don't forget our public meeting will take place at the Dugdale Centre this evening - 7.30 - 9pm (doors open 7.15). Please come and support us if you can. We will be handing in our petition (currently at 600 signatures) and putting our views to Enfield Council's Director of the Environment.

2016-01-12 14:45:48 +0000

500 signatures reached

2015-12-30 20:44:06 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-12-30 11:01:57 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-12-30 05:57:52 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-12-29 22:58:15 +0000

10 signatures reached