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To: We need to save the car park

Save B&M and also the car park

This campaign has ended.

We need to try and stop them from developing on the car park because once that's gone that's it the triangle be like a ghost I'm not only that we haven't got enough car parks as it is the car park by B&M is the biggest one in Clevedon and we need to save it from being developed on the more votes we get the better it is I know they're going to push it through the back door anyway but at least we can do is try

Why is this important?

The reason why B&M is very important to Clevedon and also the car park is that a lot of people use them. If we lose the car park it will be a great big loss there is limited parking around the area as it is and also so we need B&M they sell a lot of things that we need without this store would have to go to either Weston or Bristol so we must try and save B&M and the car park and also we must save being m staff from losing their jobs
11 The Beach, Clevedon BS21 7QU, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2020-05-12 01:01:21 +0100

So far 431 have put there signatures to the petition unfortunately I don't think that will be enough

2020-05-06 20:45:42 +0100

So far we have reached 407 signatures but we do need more

2020-04-25 11:00:34 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-04-25 09:24:49 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-04-25 08:36:06 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-04-25 08:06:42 +0100

10 signatures reached