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To: Arun District Council

Save Beehive Cottage, Ferring

Reverse the decision to allow demolition of this historic cottage and say no to the submitted plans for building flats.

Why is this important?

FERRING is a beautiful village on the Sussex Coast and this cottage is a landmark. Named Beehive Cottage for it's unique shape.

The Government is forcing councils to build so many properties that we are in danger of losing history.

Most of the new housing built in surrounding areas has yet to be sold. Councils are not building to meet the needs of people who need social housing and a lack of planning to increase infrastructure has put great strain on roads, transport, GP Surgeries, Hospitals, Schools etc.

Read more here:
Ferring, West Sussex

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2015-08-13 15:18:45 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-08-12 11:12:15 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-08-11 18:08:44 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-08-11 11:47:38 +0100

10 signatures reached