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To: Glasgow City Council & NFU Mutual

Save Glasgow's Architectural Heritage

Please do not demolish the Grade B Listed warehouse building on the corner of Argyle Street and Miller Street.

Why is this important?

For years Glaswegians have had to live in the shadow of disastrous planning decisions, where beautiful relics from Glasgow's rich architectural heritage have been destroyed to be replaced by ugly concrete and metal buildings.

The appearance of these buildings makes the whole environment of Glasgow appear depressing and has an adverse effect on how people interact with their city daily, if the city is charmless and ugly it is harder for Glaswegians to feel proud and motivated in their day to day lives.

We need to learn from the mistakes made in the 70's I urge Glasgow City Council and NFU Mutual to not demolish this building and to find ways to retain the facade regardless of increasing costs, I urge Glasgow City Council to also not allow the demolition of any historical architecture in the city and for it all to be preserved for future generations.

I urge all proud Glaswegians, proud Scots and lovers of Heritage and Architecture everywhere to please sign this petition.

Let's not let Glasgow become an ugly soulless mistake of a city, which based on several recent planning decisions it sadly could become.

Thank you
Glasgow City, Scotland

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2015-10-03 01:33:49 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-07-31 19:28:31 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-07-16 20:53:15 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-07-13 15:01:37 +0100

10 signatures reached