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To: The Planning Applications Committee of Glasgow City Council

Save Our Skyline Glasgow

We want the Planning Applications Committee to block a monstrous hotel looming twice the height over the Rotunda, intruding on the Finnieston Crane’s silhouette and destroying a much loved Glasgow skyline.
Repeat-planning-offenders Forrest have submitted greedy oversized plans (15/02220/DC) for a hotel development at 200 Finnieston Street.
We believe their plans breach City Plan 2 planning policy by failing to respect the building lines of the adjacent hotels and listed building. Our view is this proposed hotel is an ugly and over-massed design which fails to provide sightlines through to the Hydro from the Clyde Arc (squinty bridge). It’s a poor, unnecessarily tall design which fails to bring anything of significance to the setting.
Build a hotel, but cut it down to a suitable size and make the design fit the needs of the area and respect its neighbouring residents - not build what’s easy for Forrest to make the most money for themselves. We’ve taken architectural advice - we know it’s possible to build something better with as many rooms - it’s down to the planning committee to say NO to this one.

Why is this important?

The Council have created a fantastic entertainment area. Glaswegians are proud of our Hydro, our Crane, our Rotunda and our Armadillo. The iconic views of the SECC plaza are used to promote our city and are seen by hundreds of thousands of visitors to conferences and concerts.
Let’s stop this monstrous hotel and Save our Skyline in Glasgow.

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2015-10-26 00:03:51 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2015-10-12 16:44:54 +0100

500 signatures reached

2015-10-06 19:27:23 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-10-06 14:24:49 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-10-06 08:26:04 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-10-05 22:40:33 +0100

10 signatures reached