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To: Brighterkind

Save High Care Domiciliary Care in Andover from closure

Thank you to everyone who least it made the company listen. Unfortunately market forces prevailed and the service has been closed. Some of the staff transferred to a new company but it was too late to save the service.

Reverse the Employer - Brighterkind Trustees decision to close High Care Domiciliary Care in Andover currently based at Ashbourne Court Care Home.

Carry out a full feasibility study on the service to build and expand on the excellent service already provided in vulnerable peoples homes.

Hold discussions with Test Valley Borough Council and Hampshire County Council on the provision. If needed transfer the service to another provider to maintain the expertise and jobs so the residents of Andover are not left without this provision.

Why is this important?

This valuable service in Andover since being taken over by Brighterkind has been left to run down and set up to fail. The only reason for closure is domiciliary care is not part of Brighterkind's portfolio although financially it breaks even.
High Care have provided excellent service over a number of years and has won awards in the area for outstanding service. The service carries out government policy, providing care in the home and is the only domiciliary service that carries out palliative care.....the residents of Andover cannot afford to loose this valuable provision.

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2016-04-14 18:54:40 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-04-01 21:22:40 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-04-01 07:42:27 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-03-31 22:17:39 +0100

10 signatures reached