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To: Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Trust.

Save Huddersfield Royal Infirmary A&E department.

Reconsider the terrible decision to close Huddersfield Royal Infirmary Accident & Emergency department.

Why is this important?

Huddersfield is one of the largest towns in the UK. It has a growing economy and thriving student population. To take away the Huddersfield Royal Infirmary A&E will undoubtedly cost lives (with Calderdale Royal Hospital being the 'nearest' A&E). It will increase the burden on Primary Care, especially in rural areas where resources are already limited.

Latest news reports suggest this could be the start of a bigger plan to demolish the HRI completely, which would be catastrophic not only in terms of job losses but potential lives lost, and again increasing the strain on over-stretched Primary Care services.


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2016-01-18 22:59:02 +0000

Well this is rather fabulous, thanks so much for your support everyone. We've reached 10,000 signatures. There is still a long way to go, so please keep sharing.

2016-01-18 22:34:00 +0000

10,000 signatures reached

2016-01-16 18:40:00 +0000

We had a mention (at least I think it was this petition, who knows?) on BBC North this evening. Well, whoever they mentioned, please keep sharing this petition! Thanks to everyone who has signed, tweeted, shared on Facebook and email. 10,000 signatures would be amazing.

2016-01-16 14:50:03 +0000

Thanks for the support so far and please keep sharing the link! it would be great to get to 10,000 signatures by the end of the weekend. We have had so much support on twitter (some great re-tweets), so please get the message out there with the hashtag #SaveHuddersfieldInfirmary or #HRI with a link to this petition. It's important that petitions like this come from the electorate and are not tied to party politics.

2016-01-16 10:28:18 +0000

5,000 signatures reached

2016-01-15 22:36:29 +0000

3,000 signatures reached now - thank you everyone. Let's keep sharing this petition and spreading the word.

2016-01-15 20:00:42 +0000

1000 signatures - thank you. Please keep sharing the message!

2016-01-15 20:00:11 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2016-01-15 19:24:20 +0000

500 signatures reached

2016-01-15 18:55:47 +0000

200 signatures - this is brilliant. Thank you so much. Please keep sharing and show David "The NHS is safe in my hands" Cameron what people power is all about. Yorkshire people are not to be messed with.

2016-01-15 18:31:23 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-01-15 18:21:45 +0000

Thanks so much for the support so far. Please keep spreading this campaign far and wide. We need as many people to know about it as possible. Thank you.

2016-01-15 18:08:23 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-01-15 17:51:31 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-01-15 17:42:37 +0000

10 signatures reached