1,000 signatures reached
To: Wigan Council
Save Oaklands Home - Lowton
Re-consider the plans to build 19 new homes and an apartment block on the current site of this incredible building.
Why is this important?
Lowton is a village full of history, caring people and a strong sense of local community. Part of our heritage is on our historic buildings, yet once again we're in danger of losing another incredible building. The Oaklands Home (Heskeasth Meadow/Newton Road) is on the verge of falling into the hands of the money minded and greedy. Recently it came to light that Wigan Council plan to obliterate the home in way for 19 new houses and an apartment block, adding to the already troublesome conditions of traffic in the area. The house is believed to be from around c1880's, serving as a residence, a Childerns home and most recently, Wigan & Leigh young carers centre. The building was also legally left to be used for the children of Lowton, as well as the trees being protected under a conservation act. If the council accept the planning permsion, they're being ignorant to the will and right of the people. I hope you can all join me in the disparity of the situation and in opposing this decision. For the past, present and future of Lowton. Thank you.