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To: Gedling Homes and Gedling Council

Save our access to our front and back door

Do not demolish all these garages and take our right of way.Please rethink your planning we have been tenants of these garages for 38/40 years and do not want to be hemmed in like caged animals.

Why is this important?

How are we going to get furniture and deliveries to our door if we open our gate and a house is there. How are the fire brigade or worse the ambulance men going to get access to residents or carry a body out in a box. How do we get our rubbish bins out. Where do we pensioners park our cars the roads are full already we have a school nearby when a child is killed will you listen then.
Heddington Gardens garages  Sloethorne Gardens Arnold Nottingham

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2015-09-09 19:54:17 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-09-09 12:14:50 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-09-09 08:21:11 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-09-09 07:35:19 +0100

10 signatures reached