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To: Wyre Borough Council

Save our Stanah

Prevent the development of countryside land in Stanah.

Why is this important?

Save our Stanah represents a group of local residents who have come together to object to plans to build up to 901 houses on Lambs Hill, Thornton. The land is classed as countryside land, and has agricultural value. It is not allocated in the Local Plan for development. It is Government policy to prioritise brownfield sites over greenfield. Should this application be passed, development in the area will be developer led, rather than plan led.

The land is in a highly unsustainable location. Lambs Hill Road, Skippool Road and the A585 Poulton roundabout are a notorious bottleneck and pinch point for traffic. There are widespread traffic problems throughout the area, and no alternative routes out of Thornton for commuters. This has a highly negative impact on local businesses and investment.

The land is adjacent to the Green Flag award winning Wyre Estuary Country Park. The Wyre Estuary is an internationally and nationally protected SSI and SPA site and as such should be protected and enhanced. It is a hugely popular tourist attraction and home to many protected native species. The immediate local countryside area should be positively conserved and championed in order to promote local ecology and nature interests.

As residents, we highly value the rural nature of the local area, in particular the wide ranging beautiful views across the countryside to the Estuary and to the Bowland Fells. We highly value the scenery and rural aspect of our views and believe that this should be cherished and preserved for future generations.
We the undersigned, as members of Save our Stanah, wish Wyre Borough Council to take account of our views and reject the Lambs Hill planning application. As a group, we hope to be able to increase the level of consultation between the Council and the local community regarding development of Thornton in the future.
Little Thornton

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2014-11-03 11:30:28 +0000

500 signatures reached

2014-10-16 06:26:35 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-10-15 22:07:58 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-10-15 21:33:29 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-10-15 20:57:54 +0100

10 signatures reached