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To: Scottish Government

Save Our Yoga Communities

Scotland's Yoga Studios and freelance classes are being branched in with the Hospitality Sector yet they have not had any schemes to help support them like the UK wide 'Eat Out to Help Out'.

Yoga Studios generally employ freelance teachers who don't have access to the business funding being given, are not able to be furloughed and have had minimal help with the SEISS if they are indeed able to claim it. Nearly eight months after first being told we would close for two weeks to 'flatten the curve', it is becoming harder and harder to financially keep going. The lack of knowledge about Yoga is especially noticeable in the Central belt where after five weeks of being open, studios have been asked to close despite having very strict social distancing, increased ventilation, reduced class numbers and classes, one way systems. All of this and no evidence published to support the theory that people have directly or indirectly contracted Covid from participating in a Yoga Class or a group exercise class in general.

I ask the Scottish Government to do more to financially help individual freelance teachers and Yoga Studios in order for them to be able to provide the much needed support they give the Scottish population and let us stay open in line with the Gym regulations.

Why is this important?

Scotland's physical and mental wellbeing is suffering. Suicide rates are going up and not enough is being done to help freelance group instructors and Yoga businesses who are trying to ease the burden on the NHS AND support NHS workers who need that external support from dealing with the added stress put on them. These sole traders and small businesses are supporting people by helping improve their immune systems with gentle breathwork and physical activity in a safe and nurturing environment, improving physical and mental wellbeing with Meditation and Mindfulness and generally create a support network for those that are more vulnerable including trauma-informed Yoga. These sessions are lifelines to people and without more help and support are at risk of disappearing altogether.
Scotland, UK

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2020-10-23 17:51:00 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-10-21 21:47:26 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-10-21 14:32:32 +0100

10 signatures reached