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To: NHS bursary

Save Sophie's Nursing Degree

I would like them to consider allowing Sophie to reapply for her bursary as an independant student so that she can complete her nursing course with the rest of our cohort.

Why is this important?

Sophie has been a care giver for her grandmother Violet for many years and has still managed to enter a degree level course and achieved amazing grades. Since Sophie is unable to prove that she is an independant learner the NHS bursary are refusing Sophie the money she needs to finish the course. Sophie will be an amazing mental health nurse and I dont think a person sat in front of a computer should have the power to take this away from her. Sophie is not asking for any more money she just wants what she usually gets so she can finish her course and become a NURSE, something that the country is crying out for! Sophie has become a great friend of mine and I hate seeing her so upset please sign this petition so that she can at least get a chance of finishing with her friends.



2015-05-27 14:57:46 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-05-27 13:53:06 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-05-27 13:30:52 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-05-27 13:15:33 +0100

10 signatures reached