1,000 signatures reached

Cardiff County Council plan to cut down two, 100-year-old, sixty-feet tall, kerbside American Lime Trees on Neville Street, due to subsidence in adjacent properties.
We understand there is the alternative solution of underpinning. We know this is the property owners preferred option and that he is anxious to ensure the trees remain.
Why is this important?
Removing the trees would be at the expense of the environment, both in a GREEN sense and in as much as the loss of said trees would be detrimental to the “tree-lined avenue” presentation enjoyed and appreciated by residents and visitors alike along this busy thoroughfare. The character of this part of the city’s “leafy suburb” would be further eroded.
Felling the trees would have a negative impact on the area and the removal of mature trees will affect the value of property in the immediate vicinity.
The felling would set a precedent and potentially lead to the destruction of all the trees along the entire length of Neville Street
Felling the trees would have a negative impact on the area and the removal of mature trees will affect the value of property in the immediate vicinity.
The felling would set a precedent and potentially lead to the destruction of all the trees along the entire length of Neville Street