Well, we’ve done it! Or at least we almost have. Yesterday afternoon, Leicestershire County Council voted to postpone the decision to transfer ownership of the Desford to Newark Air Museum until after the county councillor elections on May 6, 2021. This means we have just over five months to work to secure the aeroplane’s flying future.
We'd like to thank you all for your support over the past week and we'd like to keep in touch with you via our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/SaveTheDesford - as we continue to work to keep the aeroplane in the air. Subject to national and local lockdowns, we're planning to host several 'Desford Days' where members of the public will be able to see the aeroplane and speak to its custodians. Plans are also afoot for a photocall - organised by https://www.threshold.aero/ - with the Desford, a few of its hangar mates and maybe some visiting aircraft too.