1,000 signatures reached
To: Bromsgrove council planning office
Save the Hev's Happy Hounds PlayPark

Bromsgrove District Council has refused planning permission for Hev’s Happy Hounds to continue to operate from their existing site at Holyoake Lane, Bentley, Worcestershire, B97 5SR. In determining the application, the case officer stated that Hev’s Happy Hounds does not fulfil a need of the local community. As a result, a planning appeal is being submitted to the Planning Inspectorate which challenges this decision.
If you support this proposal or believe that the Hev’s Happy Hounds does fulfil a need of the local community then please sign the petition below. Signing the petition would not affect your rights to submit further comments to the Planning Inspectorate during the course of the appeal’s determination.
If you support this proposal or believe that the Hev’s Happy Hounds does fulfil a need of the local community then please sign the petition below. Signing the petition would not affect your rights to submit further comments to the Planning Inspectorate during the course of the appeal’s determination.
Why is this important?
The PlayPark provides an invaluable resource to local dog walkers, dog trainers and dog owners. It enables dogs who are otherwise not allowed off lead for various reasons to run free in a safe and secure environment. We know that our users often visit other local businesses too.