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To: Milton Keynes Council

Save the Knowles School Willow Tree

We ask that the proposed felling of the weeping willow situated in Knowles School playground be suspended until:

- Alternative designs for the redevelopment of the site are examined with a view to preserving the tree, and

- the decision-making process is opened up for public consultation and the community’s objection to felling the tree given proper consideration.

Why is this important?

For decades the willow tree in the school playground has provided shelter and a play area for children, creating happy memories and establishing itself as an iconic feature of the school environment. When the news broke about its impending destruction, children in the playground ran to the tree, hugging it and begging for it to be saved.

It is crucial to note that there has been no public consultation at any stage of the planning process, and that the council's response to concerns raised has been dismissive at best.

When the original planning application was submitted in December 2013, several trees were highlighted as needing to be removed. Namely, 2 Field Maples and a Lawson Cypress at the site frontage (north); a Sycamore within the central school area and a Sycamore towards the rear (south) boundary. The planning application makes no mention of felling the willow tree, and a subsequent survey found it to be in perfect health and posing no danger whatsover.

It is unacceptable to destroy a healthy and much-loved tree in order to expand car parking facilities, and this cannot go unchallenged.


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2014-07-25 12:03:19 +0100

Firstly, thank you so much to everyone who has already signed this petition! It is wonderful to see people come together on an important community matter.

We presented the petition on 23rd July to Milton Keynes Council Cabinet. It didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped, but you can read the details on our facebook page:

The good news is that the council have responded by opening up a Discharge of Conditions application. This DOES specifically mention felling the willow tree AND is open for the public to object online. You can do this by visiting the below link and using the "Make A Comment" online form.

If you prefer not to submit your comment online, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or Facebook and we can take your comments in on paper to present to the planning committee.

2014-07-20 23:46:44 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-07-19 01:39:04 +0100

10 signatures reached