To: Jeremy Hunt MP

Save the excellent and irreplaceable neurological rehabilitation service at Bath's RNHRD

Dear Minister,
Ensure that this National centre of excellence is reinstated to continue its remarkable work enabling people to maximise their rehabilitation potential following the devastating effects or brain injury. As well as the invaluable improvements to the lives of the individuals, their families and loved ones society as a whole benefits from patients optimising their prospective recovery

Why is this important?

Effects of acquired brain injury are infinitely complex and often fundamentally life changing for both the individuals concerned and their families and loved ones.
The closure of this highly specialised Nationally regarded centre of humane medical excellence is a tragic loss to the south west region as well as to the country as a whole.
The injudicious axing of this vital service will have a significantly damaging impact on the rehabilitation of patients. Closure of this internationally esteemed and universally beloved unit, after 27 years in which it has built a much deserved reputation for excellence, and its shameful replacement with vastly inferior (largely token and often non existent)”local services” is literally and shamefully passing from the sublime to the ridiculous .
Its loss will also severely impact as an important national resource, for the training of doctors and therapists as well as the advising of clinicians in local communities on how best to support those with this often misunderstood hugely complex disability, is irretrievably wasted.
Those of us fortunate enough to have benefited from the profound expertise and tremendously compassionate care provided by this unit are appalled by this tragic and short-sighted closure and know from personal experience that there are no equivalent local services. It was unique, provided unparalleled expertise and support, is irreplaceable and cannot afford to be lost. The phrase “knowing the cost of everything and the value of nothing” springs sadly to mind .

Bath, United Kingdom

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