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To: North Ayrshire Council

Save West Kilbride Library

Please do not transfer the Library Service to the Community Centre and keep our beautiful purpose built Library Building open and working.

Why is this important?

Our very attractive Library Building overlooks the village of West Kilbride and has stunning views across to the hills. Our Library is one of the most well used in North Ayrshire and has the potential to increase its service by developing links with other creative and educational projects. The IT suite was in constant use. Attendance at a public consultation drew one of the largest oppositions in the Local Authority.
This is one of the most unpopular moves suggested by the Council and compares with their disastrous decision to close public toilets and swing parks - both of which are now viewed by communities as a complete mistake.


2021-05-03 23:33:57 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2021-04-22 12:50:17 +0100

500 signatures reached

2021-04-20 23:06:05 +0100

100 signatures reached

2021-04-20 22:27:37 +0100

50 signatures reached

2021-04-20 22:18:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2021-04-20 22:05:35 +0100

10 signatures reached