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To: West Oxfordshire District Council & Cherwell District Council

SAVE WOODSTOCK! Say no to 1200 more houses

We, the undersigned, object to the Pye-Blenheim Consortium's proposed creation of 'Woodstock East'.

We say no to 1200 more houses, football stadium, inappropriate retail space and associated transport infrastructure.

We implore the West Oxfordshire District Council and the Cherwell District Council to stop the proposed development.

We reject any development or urbanisation on green fields abutting and surrounding Woodstock in accordance with the town's intensely prevailing position and the 6 November Town Poll.


Why is this important?

Ref. Planning Application 14/02004 Hybrid Amended.

Planning consultation is under way for the Pye-Blenheim Consortium to build a huge housing development at the edge of Woodstock, Oxfordshire. This development would effectively double the size of this historic town through a single planning application!

It would destroy this beautiful and historic market town, ruin the surrounding countryside and devastate the local community.

Join us now by signing this petition to show your objection to this super-sized development.

Say no to the Pye-Blenheim Consortium and say yes to preserving the beautiful town of Woodstock!

For more information please see:
Woodstock, Oxfordshire

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2015-08-11 22:39:58 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-08-11 16:05:32 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-08-11 13:33:50 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-08-11 13:07:29 +0100

10 signatures reached