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To: Bury Council, Bury North MP David Nuttall, & Marshalls PLC

Say ** NO!! ** to Ramsbottom Fletcher Bank 'Anaerobic' (Waste) Digestion Facility.

Stop the proposed location of an Anaerobic Digestion Facility at the Fletcher Bank Quarry site - Marshalls plc Ramsbotton Bury Lancs BL0 0DD.

Why is this important?


'Anaerobic digestion', the sanitised label given to a facility that proposes to 'digest' 45,000+ tonnes of household waste, food waste, farm sewage, and other nasty pathogen laden waste into household energy. This proposal so far has only given the reasons that it will provide 'green' energy and jobs!

Firstly: it will only provide 5 full time jobs for Ramsbottom in a site that will be largely automated.

Secondly: It can become a health hazard as it will be plagued with bad odours and pathogens that will be carried over the Ramsbottom valley and in close proximity to heavy populated areas with many schools and areas of natural beauty.

Thirdly: The traffic generated by hundreds if not thousands of HGV lorries full of waste and tankers full of toxic sludge rumbling through Ramsbottom, Edenfield & Shuttleworth will create, every year (for many years), a problem that is in itself not 'green' and will cause untold damage to the road network in and around Ramsbottom. A road network that is already creaking under the pressure of new housing estates Bury council seem to think fit to cram into an already over populated and under-resourced town.

Fourthly: Ramsbottom is a thriving small market town whose businesses and consequently many jobs depend on visits by tourists and produce from local farms. A permanent stink and threat to health could very well put all this at risk.

A public exhibition on the proposed plans by Peel Environmental and Marshalls to build an anaerobic digestion facility at Fletcher Bank Quarry, Shuttleworth will be held at Ramsbottom Civic Hall on Wednesday the 26th June between 3.00pm and 8.00pm though I doubt this will be an opportunity to question or complain, more a PR exercise by 'Peel Environmental' !!!.....rather an oxymoron if I've ever heard one!

PLEASE READ & SIGN if you believe Ramsbottom should stay a town of natural beauty and a haven for tourists.
Ramsbottom, Bury, Lancs BL0 0DD, United Kingdom

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2014-02-16 14:17:35 +0000

Further info I hadn't mentioned on the original petition, Tamar claim this will be 'green' energy, fact is, every watt of energy generated by this plant will be consumed by Marshalls in the quarry. All the energy will NOT be for residents , but to power their own operations, will be profited by themselves, and all the disadvantages of this operation will be met by residents, in pathogens, odour, smashed roads (which WE taxpayers will be paying to repair), depreciation in property value, and a serious depreciation in quality of life for all residents of the Ramsbottom valley.
So you see they have so much to gain, all at the expense of thousands of residents. This plan by Tamar and Peel is so 'green' even the GREEN PARTY object to it as they can see this thinly veiled disguise is simply to cover the HUGE PROFIT they will make at the expense of every single resident of Ramsbottom.

WHY? should we accept this!!??. We shouldn't...object now and make your voice heard.

2014-02-16 14:08:57 +0000

Hello again. Thanks to everyone for signing this petition and please carry on doing so. Bury MBC extended the deadline to March 14th 2014 and say they will still accept objections submitted through their planning portal up until noon on that date.

Bury planning portal link to record your objection;

Further information and latest news can be gained by accessing the RAWS website at;

2013-09-08 19:15:47 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2013-08-26 21:48:09 +0100

Thanks for everyones comments on this and keep them coming. The campaign is still underway and current events and updates are available on as Peel & Tamars planning application is now with Bury council.

We will be fighting this to the very end as the odour will be horrendous, a health hazard, and the traffic will be (as a previous commentator has said) an accident waiting to happen. With a primary school & so much suburban population nearby I think it's only a matter of time! The damage to business and the effect on on jobs I think will be incalculable. Residents of Ramsbottom, let's not sleep-walk into a horrific situation we can't get out of!!

If anyone is in any doubt about the effect this can have, take a look at this video of the situation in Cannock, Staffordshire:-

2013-06-27 08:40:59 +0100

Thank you for your input (Enagri Bioenergy), however having researched other AD plants that have been built around the UK, these are the issues that have made many complaints to their own local councils and the Environment Agency. From what we have seen about the proposals the plant would be far too close to inhabited areas and the traffic problems caused by over 7,000 HGV's entering and exiting Shuttleworth & Ramsbottoim gives great cause for concern for residents of the area. We have yet to see the small print and detail regarding the site and that will come in August.

2013-06-27 08:32:27 +0100

We've now passed the 500 mark but more signatures are needed. I have looked at Bury councils terms for accepting petitions and conveniently they say they will accept any petition and have a debate if more than 2,500 signatures are reached, however..............!!! Reading on in their terms they state they will not accept - "If the petition applies to a planning or licensing application" which is ultimately what this will be in August and this is why we need to open up the campaign to include other legal avenues. I will keep this updated as and when when issues become clearer.

2013-06-27 01:49:37 +0100

500 signatures reached

2013-06-23 22:15:06 +0100

100 signatures reached

2013-06-23 20:49:07 +0100

50 signatures reached

2013-06-23 20:44:24 +0100

Progress is going well, but hopefully we will have a lot more people sign. This has to be nipped in the bud. Peel ''Environmental' have tried a similar proposal before a few years ago and Ramsbottom Against Land Fill (RALF) that thankfully put a stop to it, now Peel are trying again purely in an attempt to make a wedge of cash (nothing wrong with that I might add), but at who's expense. No consideration appears to have been made to take on board the concerns of residents of Ramsbottom and other towns & villages that surround the quarry site. It's not just the waste, its health hazards and odours, but the effect on Ramsbottoms' road network that is already in such poor state.

2013-06-23 19:14:39 +0100

25 signatures reached

2013-06-23 18:11:29 +0100

10 signatures reached