1,000 signatures reached
To: Warrington Borough Council DMC
Say NO to Stobart's and Six/56

We want WBC's Development Management Committee (DMC) to refuse planning permission for the for both Stobart's and Langtree's Six/56 developments.
Why is this important?
WBC's planning department together with Stobart's, Langtree and Panattoni (all multi-national property and logistics companies) are determined to forever destroy 346,000m sq of South Warrington's Green Belt land. That's equivalent to 54 Wembleys. It will mean easily 2000 additional vehicular movements PER HOUR 365/24/7 on our already overloaded roads, junctions and surrounding motorways. Air pollution in Warrington is one of the worst in the UK. It is THE worst for the most dangerous small particulates (PM2.5) in the whole of the UK (World Health Organisation Air Quality Database, 2018). This is a legacy that we MUST NOT PASS ON to our children and future generations. RSWF will use this petition to hand over when each application comes before the DMC. Please sign this petition to make your objection clear and share widely. Thank you.