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To: The Rt Hon Alistair Burt MP

Show your hand and say #Icare to stop the social care crisis

Debate and take urgent action to stop the UK crisis in social care.

Why is this important?

The problem
Care affects all of us. Everyone knows someone- a family member or neighbour or child - who needs care and support to live a full life
Social care is organised by Local Government. Central government cuts have resulted in a 31% cut to adult social care in the last 5 years, this is in excess of £4.5 billion worth of care . Half a million older and disabled people who would have received social care five years ago now receive no local support .

Big decisions about how the future of social care could be sustainably funded are being kicked into the long grass: manifesto commitments for 2015 have already been moved to 2020 and beyond .

The cuts don’t just hurt people who need care and support to live a full life, though. They also:
- Prevent many people who work in care from earning a fair or living wage
- Make it harder for organisations that provide care to survive; many have gone out of business
- Add pressure to an already pressured NHS when support can’t be provided to people who should be able to remain in their homes
- Makes life tougher for family members who provide care for loved ones
- Create social isolation, poorer mental health and inequality
- Stop people having the right to live independently and take control of their own lives
- Mean more and more people end up paying for their own care; those who can’t afford it often go without.

The opportunity
On the 25th of November the government will publish a Comprehensive Spending Review that will have a major impact on the future funding of social care.
We think a lot of people don’t know about the scale of this care crisis or the impact it has on society as a whole. We also think that a lot of people would care if they knew more about it.
We therefore need your help. We want government to know that people care about care.
If you think care should be properly funded and improve people’s lives and the local communities we all live in, please simply write the words “I Care” on your hand and take a photo. You can share your image and thoughts with us on Twitter @UkCareCrisis or the social media platform of your choosing using #ICare.

Please also sign this petition asking the government to debate and take urgent action to stop the Care Crisis. Or, of course, you can do all of the above.

If you know others who care about care please tell them about #ICare. We know lots of people are very anxious and care deeply about the future of social care. This is our chance to show we all care about care.

Thanks for your time.


2015-10-18 09:54:53 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-10-14 11:15:20 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-10-13 10:02:13 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-10-12 23:20:29 +0100

10 signatures reached