100 signatures reached
To: Oldham Council
Speed preventions on Cooper Street Springhead

I am starting this petition in order to try to have some form of speed preventions placed up and down Cooper Street, Springhead, Oldham. The amount of reckless drivers racing up and down this street every day is shocking. There are two schools and a nursery on this street and cars are often double parked making it difficult to see oncoming traffic. I want to help to keep our children and community safe from these careless drivers often doing speeds not warranted especially during school drop off/ pick up times. Speaking to local residents a lot of them suggest a 20mph zone, speed cameras or even speed bumps. Living just off Cooper Street myself It is also concerning during the evening when there is no congestion. I see children playing out on their bikes and it scares the life out of me when I hear through the open window the cars treating Cooper Street as a race track. It is only a matter of time before someone is fatally injured.
Why is this important?
Let’s try to get some measures in place on this Street to keep our families and community safer.