High Peak Borough Council, Government Planners
Stop Building Developments on Green Fields
Please do not allow building on Greenfield in the High Peak area.
Why is this important?
Green Fields and Wild Life habitats will be lost forever. Local people want to preserve the countryside for future generations, their wishes should be respected, the Localism Act should be honoured. Impacts on local communities are being ignored by Planners who have complete dis-regard for others, value of land is at a premium, greedy people are making money at the expense of the environment and the people that live there.
Protect High Peak has made some good representations at the High peak Local Plan Hearings, thank you for your support, we need to continue building numbers on this petition, please help if possible,
2015-01-16 17:51:28 +0000
Please see 'Protect High Peak' on Facebook for some information on the Local Plan Hearing, the Inspector was interested in the numbers of supporters.
2014-08-16 10:41:46 +0100
Planners and Council continue to work in opposition to electorates wishes, we need to push this petition to get more numbers so that at least we can have impact at the Submissions meeting.
2014-06-11 11:50:20 +0100
Please join Facebook group 'Protect High Peak' so that we can submit a group objection. Thanks, John
2014-05-20 17:01:56 +0100
Trying to make sense of the plan, we have the makings of a group prepared to take this on. Please try to get friends to add to this petition - it would be useful by 23rd June.
2014-05-09 09:50:42 +0100
I am unable to get the calculation from the Building Inspectorate, I have asked if there is a 'Standard' by which Local Plans are compared against. How do they decide if a plan is 'sound'?
2014-05-05 20:27:09 +0100
It seems there is no Government approved formula for the calculation of house numbers, so the process so far seems to be a complete farce, if we can get enough people behind this we should be able to get a change.
2014-05-01 13:44:13 +0100
I am trying to find out how housing numbers are calculated, it seems no-one on the Council know, apparently it's too complicated for my little brain.
2014-04-04 06:47:43 +0100
There are two meetings scheduled Chapel Parish Council on 16th April and importantly HPBC on 8th April. Parliament take 38 Degrees petitions very seriously, especially if numbers are high, I am hoping this number will be high when I meet with our MP on the 23rd April. My aim is to get him fighting for what I believe we in the High Peak want.
2014-03-30 17:25:28 +0100
Developers have now submitted plans to the Council for green fields at Whaley Bridge, we really need to get some numbers behind this campaign if we are to make a difference, we have currently 233, we need to add a naught on the end of this number!
2014-03-24 20:36:27 +0000
100 signatures reached
2014-03-23 08:13:24 +0000
50 signatures reached
2014-03-17 08:25:16 +0000
25 signatures reached
2014-03-16 10:59:37 +0000
Meeting at Pavilion Gardens Tuesday 7.30, it's important to pass on the link to the petition. We need to make our feelings known, I intend to get this to Eric Pickles.