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To: Mr Irfan Choudry

Stop car parking charges at Sandwell Valley Park.

UPDATE: 01/07/14 We can confirm, for now it's all over and we've won. Sandwell have backed down, due to huge public pressure. A big thank you to everybody who took the time to write complaint letters.

Dear Sir,
I wish to object to the proposed car parking charges for all the car parks at Sandwell valley including Forge Mill. You want people to use the park on a regular basis but your charges will stop this.

Why is this important?

A lot of people use it as a open green space for walking and watching the wildlife. A lot of regular users come down three or four times a week, whilst one person uses it every day regardless of the weather. I'm fearful the council may close the park if people stop using it due to these charges.

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2014-07-02 10:33:09 +0100

Petition is successful with 126 signatures

2014-07-01 20:25:25 +0100

2014 July 1st Tuesday Morning

We can confirm, for now it's all over and we've won. Sandwell have backed down, due to huge public pressure. Read the full story on the Express and Star website. A big thank you to everybody who took the time to write complaint letters.

2014-07-01 09:40:01 +0100

AMAZING NEWS - We've received a very strong indication tonight, that following a meeting between senior councillors and Tom Watson MP, the plans to introduce car park charges have been scrapped.

We will try to confirm this ASAP.

If this is the case a huge thank you to everybody who took the time to write complaint letters.

Well done all who took part in the canpaign. Thank you.

2014-06-30 23:42:20 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-06-29 20:47:51 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-06-29 13:11:56 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-06-28 17:34:31 +0100

10 signatures reached