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To: Hmp thorn cross appleton , warrington

Stop covid 19 spread prison to prison

I want you to stop a move from prison to prison or possibly delay covid 19 prisoners who are potentially infected by this virus.
There has been a outbreak of covid 19 in lancashire prison, they are trying to send prisoners to hmp thorn cross prison on monday and tuesday 20th ,21st next week.
They are also moving prisoners who could also have potential covid 19 from Risley prison.

The staff at hmp thorn cross warrington, have expressed concerns with this and also the prisoners.

We are suppose to be isolating , so why are we not isolating?
The prison at hmp thorn cross warrington has refused to speak to me, asking me to send a letter.
By then it will be to late to stop the move or delay it.
I am working hard to try and get help from newspapers, the guardian, the sun and local MPS to see what can be done.

Please help me , we dont want anymore spreading.
This covid 19 has lost so many loved ones already .
Any more help please contact me 07747411092

Why is this important?

I have a relative in prison and
Im also doing this to help other prisoners, staff members, family members and delivery drivers who deliver parcels, food etc.
Arley Rd, Warrington WA4, UK

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