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To: Jeremy Hunt MP

Stop Differential Pay For Patient Care

We want Jeremy Hunt MP, Secretary of State for Health, to scrap plans that would see hospitals paid less for the patients they treat above an agreed quota.

Why is this important?

Imagine agreeing to perform 1000 operations for a fixed price per procedure. Imagine you do 1200 instead. The government want to pay less for the 200 extra above the 1000 agreed. If that were to continue, it would become unsustainable meaning some patients who need care would need to travel great distances, or worse still, not get it at all. It creates a financial incentive to reduce or curtail the amount of care a hospital provides - and that can't be good for local patients.

While this is important, there is a darker outcome. The unmet care need this creates would lower the barriers to entering the market for independent 'for-profit' care providers. And if a profit is being made, there are patients not receiving treatment.

We must not allow this to happen as it will fragment the care provided by the NHS and reduce the financial efficiency of delivering care in the UK.



2018-12-24 11:11:47 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-01-10 18:13:30 +0000

10 signatures reached