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To: the Hereford Wye Valley Hospital Trust


Dear Chief Executive, please reduce the excessive car parking charges so that they are affordable for hospital visitors who are often elderly and disabled, and their visits do so much for those in hospital.

Why is this important?

So that people can visit their friends and relatives in hospital, or stay with them for check ups, and not have to pay excessive car parking charges that they can ill-afford. The current charges hit the most vulnerable, and people when they are most vulnerable.

How it will be delivered

In person to the Trust Chairman and Board, and Chief Executive, with press invited.

Hereford, United Kingdom

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2014-11-24 21:56:25 +0000

Hi all, Trust Board meeting on Thurs 27th November, will present the petition! Over 2,300 signatures.

2014-11-11 21:00:51 +0000

Petition will be part of a photocall with Jesse Norman MP on Thurs 13th November.

2014-10-27 20:27:15 +0000

Hi and thanks for signing. Make sure to leave a comment about why you feel strongly about this campaign.

2014-01-04 10:33:30 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2013-12-10 23:29:27 +0000

500 signatures reached

2013-10-15 20:28:43 +0100

100 signatures reached

2013-10-10 21:42:22 +0100

Can you leave a personal message here, about how the car parking charges have impacted your visit to the hospital? Thanks, Amanda

2013-09-21 17:12:37 +0100

50 signatures reached

2013-09-19 22:25:35 +0100

25 signatures reached

2013-09-18 22:21:24 +0100

Hi, please can you do all you can to forward this petition to friends and family - I need 100 signatures and have 28 at the moment. As one signer said " Recently, having attended hospital at the request of the paramedics who were taking my elderly aunt in, she suffers from dementia. I was at her side with doctors and technicians for over four hours and when I was eventually able to leave I was charged £12.50 on the car park. Totally excessive and simply a high profit cash cow for the PFI share holders."
Thank you! Amanda

2013-09-03 21:50:06 +0100

Hi, thanks to all for signing the petition about excessive car parking charges at hospitals - in particular the Hereford County hospital (or Wye Valley Trust) - I have sent an FOI request to find out a lot more about the contract that is in place - when it's up for renewal, how much profit is made, and who makes the decision about the contract. Will keep you all posted! Meantime, please send the link to friends and ask them to sign! We have to stop this really awful practice. People power can do it. Thank you.

2013-08-31 16:29:31 +0100

10 signatures reached