100 signatures reached
To: Scottish Parliament
Stop Fracking In Scotland By Bringing SEPA back into Government control

Bring SEPA back under Scottish Government control and/or pass legislation to tie it's hands from being able to issue fracking licences to organisations.
Why is this important?
Public bodies of the Scottish Government are organisations that are funded by the Scottish Government. It is a tightly meshed network of executive and advisory non-departmental public bodies ("quangoes"); tribunals; and nationalised industries.
These public bodies are distinct from executive agencies of the Scottish Government, as they are not considered to be part of the Government and staff of public bodies are not civil servants.
The Scottish Government is responsible for appointing a board of directors to run public bodies. The Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland is responsible for regulating the process.
SEPA (The Scottish Enviromental Protection Agency) is one of these quango's - It is also the licensing agency for all fracking licenses in Scotland. By bringing it into government control or by tying its hands through legislation, fracking could be stopped in Scotland despite the protestation of Westminster
These public bodies are distinct from executive agencies of the Scottish Government, as they are not considered to be part of the Government and staff of public bodies are not civil servants.
The Scottish Government is responsible for appointing a board of directors to run public bodies. The Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments in Scotland is responsible for regulating the process.
SEPA (The Scottish Enviromental Protection Agency) is one of these quango's - It is also the licensing agency for all fracking licenses in Scotland. By bringing it into government control or by tying its hands through legislation, fracking could be stopped in Scotland despite the protestation of Westminster