100 signatures reached
To: UK Government
Stop Helium Balloons

Please ban the use of helium in balloons and any non-medical application.
Why is this important?
Helium is running out on this planet. There is approximately six years' supply of helium left on Earth. After that it has gone, and there will be no more.
Helium is vital to hospitals as it is needed by MRI Scanners, and without it they do not work.
It is also vital to divers to dilute oxygen, so that they don't get the "bends".
When helium is used in balloons, or as a narcotic, it escapes to the outer edges of the Earth's atmosphere and then escapes from the planet's gravity.
This means there is a small and fast-diminishing supply of helium.
Would you rather have a squeaky voice for a minute or two, or the ability to have a life-saving MRI Scan? Or fly a child's balloon rather than fix a leak under an oil rig, or to rescue 12 young Thai footballers?
Helium balloons need to be banned worldwide immediately. Several countries have already banned its use apart from medical and diving use. The U.K. needs to do the same.
Helium is vital to hospitals as it is needed by MRI Scanners, and without it they do not work.
It is also vital to divers to dilute oxygen, so that they don't get the "bends".
When helium is used in balloons, or as a narcotic, it escapes to the outer edges of the Earth's atmosphere and then escapes from the planet's gravity.
This means there is a small and fast-diminishing supply of helium.
Would you rather have a squeaky voice for a minute or two, or the ability to have a life-saving MRI Scan? Or fly a child's balloon rather than fix a leak under an oil rig, or to rescue 12 young Thai footballers?
Helium balloons need to be banned worldwide immediately. Several countries have already banned its use apart from medical and diving use. The U.K. needs to do the same.