To: Henley Homes and Lambeth Council

Stop housing developers segregating poorer children

All children deserve to have space to play together, it shouldn’t matter how much money their families have. Stop segregating children and families living in affordable homes and let all children play in communal areas.

Why is this important?

Children in London too poor to play outside with their friends? According to one housing developer - that’s the way it should be.

A multi-million pound housing development in London is segregating children based on how much money their parents have. With separate, smaller play areas for children living in affordable housing, these children are blocked from using the main play area the richer children enjoy.

London is already segregated enough without developers making it even worse. A children's playground on an estate is a really important space, especially for families in flats. My two children would always be playing with other children in the courtyard of the estate where I live. They formed life-long friendships there.

All children should be free to play with their friends - not shut out because they live in affordable housing.


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