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To: House Of Commons

Stop politicians misleading voters with fictional figures.

To stop Politicians manipulating laws and legislation with fictitious figures, such as "predicted incomes", "200,451 Jobs will be available" "This deal will lower gas prices by £3" etc.

I want politicians to collaborate with mathematicians and scientists alike in parliament to provide accurate predicted forecasts, and not manipulating statistics for their own benefit.

Why is this important?

It's a well known fact that the British population is a big target of social manipulation. From the newspapers to social networking. We are told how to think by what we view. Obviously not everybody believes in everything our media sources tell us. But when politicians give us figures to bolster their laws and regulations, that is when it too can get lost in translation.


The TTIP (transatlantic trade and investment partnership) has predicted an additional £10bn being added to the UK economy, with the EU reaping dividend of some £100bn if the agreement is sealed within 12 months. These statistics are a complete fallacy. There is no truth, no mathematical procedure, nor evidence to suggest that this trade deal will bring in such figures.

In fact IBtimes, recently posted that A report commissioned by the Left political grouping in the European Parliament, released in March, echoed these views.

The report found that "estimated gains from TTIP are very small"; that it will likely have minimal impact on EU unemployment and that any impact on EU exports (a maximum 10% increase) will take place over a number of decades, rather than immediately.

The Left group added that the most zealous projections around TTIP fail to include the social and environmental impact of the treaty. But these factors are more nebulous, whereas the figures are just wrong.

It is dangerous for our governments to blatantly lie through their teeth with false statistics to benefit their own agendas. This needs to stop. Right now. With your help we can make sure that the Government provides factual statistics, backed up with a mathematical, and practical procedure as to how they got that result, when contributing to political debates.



2014-10-28 21:18:02 +0000

10 signatures reached