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To: the government

stop sexual apartheid in british universities

Dear Prime Minister, please instruct Universities Uk to withdraw guidelines which allow sexual apartheid, by segregating male and female students in lectures and university events, or preventing women from attending events. This is re-introducing cultural mores discarded by Britain almost a hundred years ago, which directly conflict with Equality legislation passed over 50 years ago.

Why is this important?

We must not go back to the dark ages when women were considered inferior to men and prevented from achieving their full potential. The guidelines have been issued to satisfy a tiny minority of speakers and students whose religion and cultural ideas are alien to this country. As a grandmother with a grand-daughter, I fear for her future if we continue on this road. We have lost Nelson Mandela, let us honour that loss with our fight against sexual apartheid.


2013-12-20 18:58:15 +0000

I think people have felt since David Cameron disapproved of the University UK guidelines, the battle was won. I am not so sure however, and would be grateful if people still signed! PS neither of the two local student unions have bothered to reply......

2013-12-13 10:06:55 +0000

25 signatures reached

2013-12-12 07:52:04 +0000

I have emailed uwe and nus to ask for their support.

2013-12-11 22:34:01 +0000

10 signatures reached