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To: The Highways Agency and the Minister for Transport

Stop Speeding through our Village

We request that traffic calming measures, including the installation of Speed Indicator Devices, are introduced to encourage motorists and bikers to respect the 30 mph and 40mph speed limits on the A259 through Icklesham village.

Why is this important?

We are seeing an increase in both motorbikes and cars speeding through the village, putting themselves, other motorists and pedestrians and local families at risk of serious injury or death and creating excessive noise pollution.
If you are concerned about this growing problem, please sign our petition calling for action to be taken to prevent future accidents and deaths and reduce noise levels.
Icklesham, Winchelsea TN36, UK

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4 years ago

100 signatures reached

4 years ago

50 signatures reached

4 years ago

25 signatures reached

4 years ago

10 signatures reached