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To: Harrow Planning Committee

Stop the 12 storey aparthotel being built in West Harrow

We call on the Harrow Planning Committee to reject planning application P/3497/20 submitted by Dandi Nine Limited to build a 12 storey tower hotel in the heart of West Harrow village, a low rise Victorian/Edwardian residential community.

Why is this important?

We object to this planning proposal because it is a gross overdevelopment within a residential area. It conflicts with Harrow Council’s Core Strategy and is totally out of character in terms of height and mass with the residential properties it adjoins. This commercial development provides no residential properties or affordable housing and does nothing to address the real needs of the local community.
The unique character of the West Harrow community must be protected from developers intent on excessive profiteering.
Harrow, UK

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2020-11-29 03:04:19 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2020-11-15 14:13:30 +0000

500 signatures reached

2020-11-08 18:14:14 +0000

100 signatures reached

2020-11-08 16:17:54 +0000

50 signatures reached

2020-11-08 14:10:16 +0000

25 signatures reached

2020-11-08 13:28:49 +0000

10 signatures reached