50 signatures reached
To: UK National Newspapers and TV Companies, BBC, etc
Stop the media blackout around Climate Change.

Stop avoiding the words Climate change, when reporting on weather events, eg flooding, typhoons, hurricanes, droughts, or when reporting on coastal erosion, ice melting in Arctic, or when covering the effects of fracking or coal extraction on the environment.
We need the media to educate people, not just be a puppet supporting the fossil fuel industry.
We need the media to educate people, not just be a puppet supporting the fossil fuel industry.
Why is this important?
This is important because members of the public and the business community are ill informed about the damage being caused to the world by the constant search for profit. They are complacent about the risks of climate change, and no one is telling people the truth. It is business as usual, when the reality is that we need to start making some serious changes to our way of life. We need to stop cutting down all the trees in order to grow money making crops. Business leaders need to learn to respect the environment.