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To: Prime Minister David Cameron

Stop UK registered business destroying environment & Indian tribal communities

The UK Government should stop not only Essar but all British registered companies from indulging in unethical practices, environmental vandalism and destroying the lives of tribal communities in India.
Also object to Indian Prime Minister Modi led Govt of India hindering people to people dialogue between citizens of two Commonwealth nations i.e India and UK.

Why is this important?

The Government should stop British registered companies destroying the lives of tribal people and environment in India.

Essar Energy is registered in Britain and is part of the same multinational giant that is involved in Stanlow Refinery in Cheshire. It is planning to dig coal in Madhya Pardesh province of India, which is the same state where in Bhopal poisonous gas from a chemical plant operated by Union Carbide (part of an American multinational) in 1984 killed many thousands innocent people and left even greater number with permanent serious health problems.

Mahan Forest which Essar Energy may be destroying is one of the oldest Sal tree forest in Asia. It is sanctuary for wild life including some endangered species. Many thousand tribal people in the area also make sustainable living from collection of forest produce.

So they are campaigning to save their culture and sustainable mode of living with the help of Green Peace India.

Although on paper Indian laws provide protection for tribal people. Some people have alleged that to get around Indian laws that provide some protection to tribal communities, fake documents were created by some parties involved.

The new Government of India under Prime Minister Modi (who was chief minister of Gujarat when in 2002 nearly thousand innocent citizens of India were killed by religious extremists and some his colleagues were found guilty of those crimes in 2012) is not only supporting this environmental vandalism but has also started to intimidate those who are helping the tribal people.

Soon after coming to power Modi led BJP Government of India froze the funds of Green Peace India, which has since been judged to be illegal action by the High Court.

Recently lawyer Ms Pryia Pillai was on her way to London to meet all party group of MPs who are interested in the welfare of tribal people. But Indian authorities stopped her at Delhi airport under laws meant for absconding dangerous criminals and terrorist.

So it is reasonable to suspect that the Modi led government is trying to intimidate environmental and human rights activists and stop them from letting British people know about the unethical involvement of British registered firms in destroying the lives of tribal people and environmental vandalism in a fellow Commonwealth member nation.

Please sign the petition requesting Prime Minister Cameron to stop British registered firms indulging in unethical practises which may destroy the lives of tribal people and environment of Mahan Forest area in India or in other places. And object to Modi led Indian government hindering friendly people to people contacts between British and Indian citizens.

Paramjit Bahia



2019-05-19 11:39:54 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-05-24 21:59:06 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-04-08 16:48:37 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-03-01 16:16:58 +0000

10 signatures reached