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To: UK Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt

Stop Unqualified Sales Reps selling Herbalife and Juice Plus!

Petitioning for regulated training and better monitoring of unqualified sales reps and 'wellness coaches'

Why is this important?

Petitioning for regulated training and better monitoring of unqualified sales reps and 'wellness coaches'

** Edited ** Please note this petition is not aimed dorectly at Herbalife and juice plus, there are others, arbonne shakes, forever living, aloe cleanse. It is also not about banning the products. I am petitioning for regulated, standardised training for and better monitoring of sales reps**

Have you ever looked at the ingredient listed in Herbalife and juice plus shakes? Do you even know what the ingredients are? To pick two; microcrystalline cellulose is a term for refined wood pulp. Calcium citrate is the calcium salt of citric acid, a food additive usually used as a preservative. Processed chemicals with added sweeteners that is turned into a powder! 30-40grams of sugar per 100grams? (Then there’s the whole Soy debate.)

Of course you will lose weight using these shakes, but this is because you are consuming a dangerously low amount of calories. But using these shakes will have a long term detrimental effect on your health. You will severely damage your metabolism. The weight being lost is not fat, it is mainly water, however being in a calorie deficit for any length of time will put you into a catabolic state, this means you start to eat into your muscle. So although you may look smaller, you are storing just as much dangerous fat. The high sugar levels will also affect your blood pressure and cholesterol. These shakes are not sustainable, so when you start to eat 'normally' again, your new slowed down metabolism won't be able to cope. After using the shakes you may be lighter initially, but you haven't learnt any new healthy habits or received any guidance from properly trained nutritional specialists, which is why weight gain and YoYo dieting occurs.

These Products are unhealthy, long term, they are dangerous! While I would like them banned completely, I’m afraid that is unrealistic!

At present anybody can sell these products, anybody! This should be enough to scare you off!

I am a fully qualified personal trainer and nutritional advisor with specialised qualifications in Pre and post-natal exercise as well as numerous Group exercise classes. Myself and a lot of my ‘Fitness Industry Friends’ spend time and money learning and educating ourselves about how the body works. We are regulated, we have to pass assessments, complete refresher courses, and we are insured; and so we should be! People’s health is kind of important!

The people selling these products however, the ‘wellness coaches’ or ‘health experts’ that work in offices, sell cars, own hair salons; they preach about these products and how the body works without spending a single day on a nutritional course or doing any research (Outside of the 20minute power point they get sent).

I call for these companies, the FDA and Jeremy Hunt MP to better monitor and control unqualified sales reps;

Customers should be informed of the long term risk.

Sales reps need to be given adequate nutritional training before being allowed to advise others on their health!

Sales Reps should not be allowed to make ludicrous statements about curing arthritis or post-natal depression with these products as I have seen locally.

Sales reps should not be able to target venerable overweight or post-natal ladies.

Unqualified, uninsured sales peoples should not be able to run boot camp or buggy burn sessions as a sales technique (which is happening in my local area).

Please do not be fooled by these friendly Sales Reps; you will lose weight, but this is not a health product! Shouldn’t be marketed as one and certainly shouldn’t be sold by the local postman!




2015-06-27 08:15:24 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-06-22 15:38:24 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-06-20 22:15:39 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-06-20 19:45:25 +0100

10 signatures reached