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To: Lord Chief Justice

Telling lies in public office: a penalized offence

Dear Lord Chief Justice,
Increasingly MPs and government ministers are telling deliberately lies to misinform the public. This is done with the intention of deceiving the public.

This needs be made an offense that carriers real consequences for offenders to discourage this increasingly common malpractice and clean up government and parliament.

Why is this important?

Increasingly ministers are resorting to blatant lies to mislead and misinform the public. Often this is to feed misinformation to media for political gain. Even where these people are chastised by government organizations, such as the National Statistics Office for their lies, they remain unaffected and free to continue to mislead the public, with no consequence. Lies remain in the public domain and exert a "sleeper effect", and this is what is intended. It is cynical and manipulative deceit of the worst kind. Hence, there needs to be an incentive system to limit the options for lying in government and parliamentary office. I propose the same kind of cumulative penalty point system as used for traffic offenses: 3 points requires the incumbent step down from office. 5 points leads to a 5-year ban from parliament; 10 points achieves a lifetime ban from parliament This will go a long way towards achieving greater transparency of government and hopefully more honesty and integrity in politicians.
United Kingdom

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2013-08-19 12:41:18 +0100

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2013-08-01 01:05:33 +0100

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2013-07-31 15:40:21 +0100

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2013-07-31 10:13:18 +0100

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