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To: Nick Boles MP

The Inhumanity Of Benefit Sanctions

Nick Boles, you're my MP. You said benefit sanctions are "inhumane" and "unreasonable" so please stand by your words and stop these harmful sanctions.

Why is this important?

Benefit sanctions so often target the most vulnerable and voiceless in our society, at a time when they most need support, and are often also imposed for the pettiest of reasons.

Is this the way we want our country to behave towards its weakest citizens? Does any nation have a right to call itself civilised when those who are already down have further burdens put on them? Is this the society we want for our children?

As a constituent I would urge Nick Boles and fellow MPs to start supporting the people who vote instead of showing they care more about the party line and climbing up the party ladder.

Please support this petition to encourage Nick and all MPs who think likewise to have the courage of their convictions to work for the abolition of sanctions, and to usher in a society marked by compassion, not petty inhumanity. Thank you.

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2015-03-05 20:46:32 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-03-05 18:39:15 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-03-05 18:16:54 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-03-05 17:17:46 +0000

10 signatures reached