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To: Argyll & Bute Council

The People of Argyll & Bute Against Cuts

We the citizens and electorate of Argyll & Bute give notice to Argyll & Bute Council that we reject these appalling, destructive and cruel plans in their entirety.

Why is this important?

The citizens of Argyll and Bute is reject these appalling, destructive and cruel plans in their entirety. If allowed to happen, these cuts will rip into the heart of our communities at a time when depopulation is already a huge issue.

Here is an idea of what is proposed:
-Reduction in Additional Support Needs assistants across areas by 45%.
-Withdraw services that the council is not required to provide for children under 5.
-Move to 3 weekly collection for general waste (green bin).
-Removal of Attendance Officer posts.
-Removal of all School Librarians in all Secondary Schools.
-Remove Discretionary Community Transport Grant Funding.
-Reduce subsidies to freight operators in Campbeltown.
-Increase Burial & Cremation charges by 20% over and above inflation.
-Close 43 public conveniences.
-Replace annual bedding display with grass areas.
-Remove rose and shrub beds and return to grass.
-Reduce Environmental Team.
-Reduce street sweeping by 50%.
-Further reduce staff (grass cutting, street sweeping, wardens, public conveniences).
-Removal of Christmas lights installation.
-These are just a small highlight of the proposed cuts that can be found here:

How it will be delivered

Once collected both digitally and on paper, this petition will be delivered to the administration of Argyll & Bute Council.

Argyll and Bute

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2016-06-30 00:40:40 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2015-10-08 21:48:58 +0100

500 signatures reached

2015-10-07 19:41:05 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-10-07 17:43:24 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-10-07 17:01:36 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-10-07 15:02:17 +0100

10 signatures reached