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To: The UK Government

Release Rendlesham Forrest UFO witnesses, Military and Government Personnel from the Secrets Act !.

To release ALL Witnesses, Military Personel, and Government Investigators involved with the "Rendalsham Forrest UFO Incident" from the Official Secrets Act !. Such that these individuals can without fear of reprisals either criminal or otherwise, fully disclose all related information currently being witheld by the UK Government.

Any and all origional doccuments, note's, radio communications and radar reccordings associated with this incident should also be released.

The purpose of releasing all associated witnesses and personel from the Official Secrets Act. Is that they would then be able to disclose the full extent of their own involment. Including any cover up or miss-information which they may have participated in producing for the general public and press.

Why is this important?

90% of the UK Public no longer believe the Human Race is alone in the Universe. Many of us believe we have already been visited and not just within the last hundred years, but for centuries even thousands of years.

If there is nothing to hide and nothing of interest, then why the secrecy ?. Why do the Government Gag first hand witnesses, military personel and official investigators with the Official Secrets Act ?. Why confiscate credible data, leaving only the less credible stuff for us all to debate and argue about. Why produce miss information to divert public attention toward crackpots and obvious fake stories. Why are so many of the people who were directly involved "Bound for Life", never to disclose what they realy know about this case and others like it !.

The reason for the draconian level of secrecy is.... simply that the Government are not in control of our skies at all, but they don't want you to know that !.

There are too many reports of UFO encounters and sightings from very good credible witnesses. Police, Airforce, Navy and Army Video footage has all been leaked to the public over the years. But none has the official stamp of reliability and credibility from the Government. The few tit bits of information which we the public are aware of, only amount to a fraction of what realy occured at Rendlesham Forrest. Its about time that changed and the real true official version of the Rendalsham Forrest incident is known to us all !!.

So Letts make it happen !.

How it will be delivered

By hand to the Houses of Parliament.


2020-08-27 16:51:00 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-12-01 13:35:49 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-11-26 17:08:05 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-11-25 11:37:48 +0000

10 signatures reached