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To: Richard Branson Founder Virgin Atlantic

Virgin Atlantic's Unfair Payment System for Nigeria

Change their 'Third Party' payment policy especially payments intended to be made by parents on behalf of their children. UK travellers travelling to Lagos and wanting to pay for family members should not be made to go on to a foreign website and then pay in a different currency or make over 100 miles round trip to either Gatwick or Heathrow airport specially to make a payment before they can be issued their tickets.

Why is this important?

People intending to travel to Nigeria from the UK should be treated like any other passenger intending to purchase a ticket to travel to any other part of the world! This policy is bordering on racism!

I am wanted to purchase a ticket to Lagos for myself and my 11 year old autistic son! The Virgin Atlantic agent was very happy to take payment for me but not my son! I was told 'we can't take a third party payment especially for that route because of fraud'! It was shocking to hear this. I was given a Nigerian website to go and make a payment. The website (Global payment would not accept my card and my card issuer have confirmed that there are no problems with my card.
Virgin Atlantic was informed of my plight but they still insist that I either pay through that website or specially travel over 50 miles to either Gatwick or Heathrow airport in a maximum of two days to make this payment directly to them over their counter!
This is definitely an injustice to people who have ties to Nigeria and who intend to travel there and want to pay for their families. Lagos and Abuja are the most profitable routes for Virgin Atlantic and they are treating people from particular parts of the world in a contentious manner!
Nigerians normally take things in their stride and not complain but it's time people stood up to corporate entities like Virgin Atlantic and let them be aware of the fact that they can't make contentious policies like this and get away with it!



2015-06-09 12:51:45 +0100

We have reached our first milestone with this petition but still have a way to go yet. A huge thanks to those who have signed and please encourage others to do the same.

2015-06-08 22:04:22 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-06-08 10:41:12 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-06-08 03:54:48 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-06-07 22:23:00 +0100

10 signatures reached