100 signatures reached
To: Mr C McConnel, Scottish Prison Service Chief Executive and Mr M Mathieson, Cabinet Secretary for Justice

On page 83 of the Scottish Prison Service Organisational Review you explain that the non-operational contribution needs to be fully recognised. We urge you now recognise this contribution through a £2,000 financial payment for ALL staff not just operational staff.
Why is this important?
In your own words, this £2,000 payment was to "suitably reward our staff for the transitions they have and continue to make". May we respectively remind you that we are also your staff and we equally contribute and adapt to change.
Such a contemptuous approach only serves to undermine our contribution. This would be difficult to accept at any time but on the back of year on year pay cuts, additional unnecessary pension contributions and in the middle of our campaign for fair pay makes it even more disdainful.
Non-Operational staff have equally shown continued commitment, flexibility, adaptability and drive over many many years but regardless will not receive this payment. Surely this cannot be right.
The importance and value we place on teamwork within the Scottish Prison Service is steeped in history yet it would appear you are now prepared to cast this aside in favour of a divisive, fragmented and financially motivated approach. Inevitably this cannot be good for the long term future of the SPS.
We cannot underestimate our strength of feeling and injustice. What we are asking for is simply Fair Pay for All;-
Mr Mathieson, it is in your gift to make this happen, your recent actions have clearly shown that you are not constrained by Westminster.
Mr McConnel, your early messages showed an acknowledgement of unity, togetherness, shared values and goals. Please don't lose sight of this now.
Such a contemptuous approach only serves to undermine our contribution. This would be difficult to accept at any time but on the back of year on year pay cuts, additional unnecessary pension contributions and in the middle of our campaign for fair pay makes it even more disdainful.
Non-Operational staff have equally shown continued commitment, flexibility, adaptability and drive over many many years but regardless will not receive this payment. Surely this cannot be right.
The importance and value we place on teamwork within the Scottish Prison Service is steeped in history yet it would appear you are now prepared to cast this aside in favour of a divisive, fragmented and financially motivated approach. Inevitably this cannot be good for the long term future of the SPS.
We cannot underestimate our strength of feeling and injustice. What we are asking for is simply Fair Pay for All;-
Mr Mathieson, it is in your gift to make this happen, your recent actions have clearly shown that you are not constrained by Westminster.
Mr McConnel, your early messages showed an acknowledgement of unity, togetherness, shared values and goals. Please don't lose sight of this now.