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To: Twitter

We call upon Twitter to delete the disgraceful hashtag #JihadiJez

Delete instances of the disgraceful hashtag #JihadiJez

Why is this important?

The incredible support shown for Jeremy Corbyn's candidacy for leadership, has proven beyond doubt that Labour are finally on course to throw off the hated legacy of Blairism which lost Labour 5 million votes, and win power decisively in a 2020 landslide general election victory.

Naturally, faced with the obliteration of the capitalist order which sustains the Cameron regime's puppet-press, its running-dogs within Sky News have dishonestly spun a devastating untruth which in no way reflects the reality of Jeremy Corbyn's character. They have called him "Jihadi Jez".

This is clearly a despicable calumny designed to derail the 2020 Labour general election victory. Jeremy would never call them Jihadis. That is an offensive and judgemental bourgeois Western term for freedom fighters, radicalised by insensitive stereotyping and Western imperialist attitudes.

If Britain is to achieve democratic change and fulfil the hopes represented by the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, then it is vital that his reputation not be dragged through the mud by Right-wing mendacity. In order to halt the propagation of this slur, that the character of Jeremy Corbyn not be vilely traduced, we call upon Twitter to delete instances of the disgraceful hashtag #JihadiJez.



2019-05-18 19:36:22 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-11-16 08:44:26 +0000

10 signatures reached