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To: The UK governments

Governments of the UK: Support the children who will struggle most when school returns

The UK governments in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should provide extra funding and resources to help schools support those children who will struggle the most when they re-open.

Schools need to be ready to provide both emotional and learning support for children whose needs are likely to be greater than they were before lockdown.

Governments must ensure all schools have adequate funds, guidance and resources to:

- Put mental health and wellbeing at the forefront of transition planning

- Increase 1-1 and small group learning support

- Increase provision for children with special and additional learning needs

- Respond flexibly to individual children's needs when making transition arrangements

Why is this important?

School can be tough for some children at the best of times ā€“ particularly those who are living in poverty, have experienced trauma, spent time in the care system or have additional learning needs.

For some of these children, lockdown will have been a welcome respite from the challenges of school. For many, home learning has been an uphill battle without the support they would have in school. For most, the pandemic has stirred up strong emotions that are hard to live with, for them and their families.

Schools will have their hands full just managing the logistics of a safe school return. We are calling on governments to give schools the funds, guidance and resources they are going to need to support the children who will struggle the most when they go back to formal education.

All children deserve an equal chance to settle and thrive once schools re-start.

United Kingdom

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2020-06-07 23:25:23 +0100

500 signatures reached

2020-05-22 01:16:08 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-05-21 17:50:53 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-05-21 14:34:54 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-05-21 12:53:09 +0100

10 signatures reached