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Kent - The Rubbish Dump of England (formerly known as The Garden of England)

To address and find a solution to the appalling levels of rubbish and litter now causing a potential health hazard along the A2 between Canterbury and Dover. The levels are now overwhelming despite the valiant efforts of volunteers, all authorities appear to be unable to effectively address the situation.

Why is this important?

The rubbish and litter situation along the A2 between Canterbury and Dover is now out of control and a national and local disgrace. The problem has been escalating year on year and is now totally unacceptable potentially endangering the health of the public with bottles of urine being thrown from vehicles on to the roadside. The valiant efforts of volunteers are now at its limit and the situation overwhelming and fraught with danger trying to stem the tide of defecation being heaped on to this our beautiful countryside. Canterbury City Council, Kent County Council, Highways England and various other authorities have all been made aware of this appalling situation by outraged residents and despite the constant stream of concern and level of complaint raised, there appears nothing is being done to properly address the situation and find a solution and deterrent to it. This has got to stop and this petition calls upon all those in authority to act accordingly and bring an end to this intolerable blight on our lives.

A2 - Canterbury to Dover

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2018-04-30 09:43:16 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-04-21 15:21:07 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-04-20 11:46:32 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-04-20 05:16:05 +0100

10 signatures reached