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To: Louise Ellman - Chair of the Select Committee for Transport.


Travelling by rail should be accessible for all. Rail stations should make getting between the platform and carriage as easy as possible for everyone. A specifically designed, mobile ramp would make this easier, safer, and less of an issue for customers and rail station staff.

Why is this important?

Different train companies have different specifications for scooters and other mobility aids to board their trains. This makes sense as older carriages are narrow and do not meet improved design. However the specifications given by certain rail companies are so restrictive that many people who need to use a mobility aid would struggle to comply. I myself have multiple sclerosis and use a mobility scooter - I have yet to be able to find one that matches the requirements set out by certain rail companies!

Choosing an appropriate model of scooter or wheelchair is expensive and crucial to meet the most important issues for an individual. By providing a ramp and addressing restrictive policies we can make travel more accessible for everybody.

Transport is essential for many people to carry out their daily lives - it can be even more essential for people who have reduced choices of travel.


2016-09-25 17:24:27 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-09-24 10:22:14 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-09-22 15:22:47 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-09-21 21:51:29 +0100

10 signatures reached