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To: Bristol City Council

Recycle or stop the use of polystyrene plastics in Bristol

Bristol city council has the power to make a fantastic change in our beautiful city. But they haven't managed to reduce our environmental impact. Not yet. As a city, we must play our part so it is time for our leaders to act now and either find a way to recycle or ban polystyrene from Bristol society.

Why is this important?

Time is ticking! We must stop producing so much waste before it's too late. Polystyrene is one of the least recycled plastic types and can easily end up in the rivers, seas and ocean. From there, it travels up the food chain into dolphins, turtles, whales and even humans!

Bristol, UK

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2021-12-30 10:44:49 +0000

10 signatures reached

2021-10-02 16:20:13 +0100

Thank you for supporting our cause. Please share this with all your friends and family!

2021-10-02 16:18:30 +0100

Hi guys and girls

2021-10-02 16:18:13 +0100

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