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To: Tracey Crouch (local MP) and the Kent County Council - Highway

Safer Pedestrian pathways/crossings along Station Road, Ditton.

As a local resident, I am concerned of the safety of the people who use this road particularly the area between Robson Drive and K-Sports Cobdown Center. In August 2016 A number of resident along Station Road have extended their driveway to the end of their boundaries which went across a path which we all believed to be un-adopted. Resulting in pedestrians who use the path to walk on the road as there is no safe crossing or path at this point. My son rode his bike along here and as he had to go over an uneven grass verge he fell off His bike he was luck that I was with him. This is dangerous as the road is very busy and this can cause accidents. When I contacted the Planning Enforcement Council they said they hadn't gone over their boundaries so there was nothing they could do. Therefore, they told me to contact the KCC Highway Department and they said that there was no funding and no casualty accidents to warrant any pathways or crossing. We would like a safe pathway or Pedestrian crossing between the entrance to Robson Drive and Priory Grove.

Why is this important?

This is important as the road is used by lots of pedestrians, particularly school children, parents with prams, the elderly and disabled who have to walk on a dangerous road as there is no path on that side. Its more dangerous because the cars do not stick to the speed limit and there have already been multiple accidents further down the road. And due to this they put 2 lots of traffic lights for pedestrian. it would be tragic for an accident to happen and a child or someone else to have life altering injuries or even lose their life, before they even consider changing anything. I feel the safety of the pedestrians has been put a risk due to resident’s driveways which i do understand its with in their boundries. Please sign for the safety of our neighborhood.

Tracey Crouch has contacted the high way council and they are investigating this area.
Please protect our pedestrians. My son refuses to ride his bike to school because this road is scary to cross at the traffic lights but to get to those traffic lights he now cant ride his bike on a safe piece if dirt track instead he has to ride on the road.

Station Road, Ditton

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2016-11-24 20:48:41 +0000

Thank you everyone who has signed so far got a letter from Tracey crouch saying she will put the case forward again on my behalf we will wait and see but in the mean time please keep sharing this we are up to 42 signatures.

2016-11-22 16:52:36 +0000

Wow 35 signature may I ask if anyone would also write an email to Tracey Crouch as the residents that are doing their new driveway further up are actually extending to the main road. I've wrote to planning enforcement at TMBC And KCC Highways department. And have recently sent am email to Tracey Crouch. Thank you

2016-11-19 15:26:42 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-11-18 22:11:31 +0000

Yay 23 signature keep it going

2016-11-18 11:31:47 +0000

We have reached 21 signatures make sure to tell people and share the petition please.

2016-11-17 06:13:26 +0000

10 signatures reached